00:30:14 Bill Hamann: Thanks for attending today. Please post any questions you have in chat and we'll ask them when the time arises. 01:00:31 Bill Hamann: a little less than 15 minutes left. please post your questions. 01:02:27 Joey Brown: Not a question, but some statements on EDIA and IT EDIA needs to be baked into what we do. As we create a service, form, or document, we need to ask "what assumptions are we making about our audience for this? (Family name/given name)" What systemic things are we doing that don't promote EDIA? What language can we get rid of? ("slave/master" hard drives to "primary/secondary", "male or female" connectors to "plug and socket") 01:04:06 Sarah Starr: Reacted to "Not a question, but ..." with 👍 01:04:51 Bill Hamann: Thanks, Joey. 01:05:35 Bill Hamann: Reacted to "Not a question, but ..." with 👍 01:05:41 Joey Brown: Compliant with ADA, but are we going past that to ID/promote services that might provide assistance "Be My Eyes" for example Office of sustainability has Fix It Friday. Can we do that with IT to help extend the life of tech for someone who really can't replace an item? 01:06:35 William Lewis: Reacted to "Not a question, but ..." with 👍🏾 01:07:31 Doris Houston (She/Her): CIPD workshops--https://prodev.illinoisstate.edu/events/foundations/ 01:08:18 Doris Houston (She/Her): https://prodev.illinoisstate.edu/pedagogy/diversity/ 01:08:41 Bill Hamann: Reacted to "CIPD workshops--http..." with 👍 01:08:54 Bill Hamann: Reacted to "https://prodev.illin..." with 👍 01:09:21 Todd Smoak (Illinois State): where could we get the list of those diversity student groups on campus like if we wanted to go there to recruit or share our services? 01:09:41 Sarah Starr: Reacted to "CIPD workshops--http..." with 👍 01:09:45 Sarah Starr: Reacted to "https://prodev.illin..." with 👍 01:10:31 Joey Brown: Reacted to "where could we get t..." with 👍 01:10:43 Bill Hamann: Todd, not sure. I'd go here. https://redbirdlife.illinoisstate.edu/organizations?query=Diversity 01:11:39 Rob Bailey: Thanks Bill - I think this tag is better for finding groups in Redbird Life: https://redbirdlife.illinoisstate.edu/organizations?categories=12199 01:12:27 Bill Hamann: Reacted to "Thanks Bill - I thin..." with 👍 01:14:13 Sarah Starr: One thing we've done in Tech Solutions is create an EDIA channel in Teams to highlight campus events, training, interesting articles, TEDtalks, etc. 01:14:57 Bill Hamann: Reacted to "One thing we've done..." with 👍 01:15:01 Joey Brown: Reacted to "One thing we've done..." with 👍 01:15:18 Shantira Norris: I appreciate Dr. Lewis highlighting cultural months and events as an opportunity to include diverse accomplishments. 01:15:24 Joey Brown: Reacted to "Thanks, Joey." with 👍 01:15:36 Sarah Starr: Reacted to "I appreciate Dr. Lew..." with 👍 01:15:40 Bill Hamann: Reacted to "I appreciate Dr. Lew..." with 👍 01:15:54 William Lewis: Thank you, Shantira! 01:16:30 Sarah Starr: Thank you Dr. Houston, Dr. Lewis and Jen! 01:16:37 Shantira Norris: Excellent info. Thank you!